Friday, June 20, 2008

A Little Dish Soap, a Tarp, a Ramp and You're Skiing in June!!

Well, how boring can summer be. Today was Brad's last day of Sport's Camp at the U of R, he had a good time. This was Kyle's first year not going to camp, I guess you're just too cool, or maybe too old when you're going to be a freshman in high school. Craig and I ran down to Blockbuster to get a movie for tonight, when we got home the boys had decided to "go skiing". The idea was to ski down the ramp and then do the rail, (note the skateboard rail at the end of the ramp). I'm not sure what they used to make the ramp, but I saw our old red wagon peeking out from under the tarp. They used dish soap and the garden hose to make the ramp slippery and then it was time for fun.

Ok, so now they've got the idea, it's time for bigger and better, I went out to check on them again, and they had created a new ramp (it's huge compared to the first one) this one is so big they have to climb up on Craig's shoulders and they start up in the tree branches.

Oh no, so now they've moved the ramp to the backyard so it can be even higher, they've got the ramp coming off the deck, slightly curving up at the bottom and onto the portable skateboard rail. You know we've made it at least a year I think without any broken bones, hopefully we can avoid the ER! At least they're wearing helmets!!! I'm not even taking pictures of this one, it might encourage them!!

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