Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Auto Pilot

Hey honey, what mile marker is this?
Don't laugh, Craig can tell you!
Yes it is very true, the Wright family has a magic Pilot.  You just push this button we had special ordered and it takes you to Utah.  Unfortunately, every time you get in that vehicle it wants to take you to Utah.  We were just trying to figure out some of our summer plans. Actually Kyle, on his way to piano lessons, was trying to figure out how many weeks we could possibly be in Utah so he can cancel as many piano lessons as possible.  I think he is trying to get off the hook for at least 4 lessons.  We are going tomorrow and coming back on Monday, but Kyle is going to spend the week there with Craig.  We have to be home the first week of July for Dr. and ortho appts and then it's back in the Pilot for a few weeks in Utah.  Back to California for Brad to go to Scout Camp, back to Utah for the wedding, and then can you believe it, school starts August 12.  Wait, didn't summer just start and it seems like it's already half done!

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