Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Day After Labor Day

Ohh those long weekends, I love them!!!  We had Brent and some cute friends here until Sunday, very fun to have them. And here's another front door picture:
Brent is back at BYU--front door pic 2013
We celebrated Maddie's birthday, she is two!!  She's not so sure about papa dressing her in tissue paper!
I sent Kyle and Kael gift cards for school supplies, it is so fun to see how they use them, Kael decided the very best use of his was for a blender, yes a 7 year old bought a blender!  You've gotta know Kaelsy!  It makes perfect sense to me, healthy morning smoothies, right!  Kyle picked an art set, and that is sooo Kyle.  For some reason my computer won't load Kyle pics, I just tried the one with the art set and the one on his bike--no luck :( 
So now it is back to real life, summers end, although you wouldn't know it from the temps.  It feels like a Monday morning, the dog ate my lunch and Kyle's breakfast, the dryer went out and the washing machine is only barely wibble wobbling along, tax stuff has to get to the accountant this week, and my new running shoes have blistered my heels with a marathon looming--

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