Thursday, April 29, 2010


Ok, we're here, we're checking in at the Dixie Center.

Body marking.

Dad and Kev cooked dinner, yum, carbo loading with some of Kev's fried rice and chicken.

Dad's starting to get all of his bags ready, most of them have to be dropped off tomorrow.

Kev packing his bags. You have five bags to pack, a morning bag for the clothes you take off before the swim, bike bag for gear to start the ride and stuff your swim gear back into, special needs bike bag, whatever you might want that you can pick up somewhere on the course. Run bag, hooray when you make it to the run, it holds your run gear and a run special needs bag.
Check out those painless tattoos. And you can't see it but they also put your age on your calf for all the world to see.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Good luck! Can't wait to read the Post IMSTG blog!