Sunday, August 23, 2009

Motrin, Massage, Music and the Mind

Brad is a tough kid. Anyone who knows Brad knows that about him. I guess when you are number 6 in a family and have 4 big brothers and an older sister who can do anything they can do, if not better, you learn fast. Brad never wanted to be the baby, he wanted to be right in there doing what everyone else was, he's a fast learner, he's tenacious and he will pretty much do anything. He also likes to do it his way and doesn't seem to thinks it is important to have help.
Friday night Brad left for a climbing trip to Joshua Tree with the Scouts, usually Craig goes along, but this time Craig didn't go, neither did our resident climber as he is training for an Ironman. Late Saturday afternoon Brad came limping in. Brad's story is he was bouldering and fell about 5 feet. Today at church the other version of the story was that Brad fell about 15 feet. Regardless he is lucky to have escaped with only an ankle injury. His left ankle is swollen. Dr. Mom doesn't think it is broken. I'm pretty good with my x-ray eyes EDIT: OK, not so good with the x-ray eyes, guess I should know by now not to trust them. after all the Wright family has had more broken bones than anyone except maybe the Cannon family. (Judy do you know what the score is? We've been good for about three years. The Willardsens are well on their way to breaking our records though.)
Anyway, I decided it didn't warrant a trip to the ER. They will x-ray it, tell me it is/isn't broken, ace bandage/splint it and tell me to see the orthopod next week. So tomorrow I will just call and get him an appointment to check it out.
We've been practicing a little alternative medicine today. It goes something like this, take 1/2 of the super large Motrin dad orders for the office, have mom massage it, practice yoga type breathing and send lots of oxygen down to that ankle while Kyle practices his latest mellow piano piece. So far we're doing pretty good. The swelling seems to be a little less, the pain is down, and Brad has learned corpse pose and thinks that yoga is pretty cool.


Judy said...

We've had quite a few of broken bones, and quite a few "wait and see" injuries that turned out to be broken bones (once including, possibly, Andrew's neck). For sure we are the authorities regarding crutches and moon boots. We never tried yoga and mellow piano as curative agents, however. Unfortunately, I'm sure we'll have another opportunity to try them out down the road.

What's the verdict for Brad today?

Melinda said...

Today's verdict is call Dr. Watson in the morning. Have you seen him before?

Judy said...

We have. He handled all of Rachael's knee issues and is WONDERFUL. He would be my first choice for an orthopod. Good luck!

Judy said...

P.S. I believe he also did both of Jeff Brice's knees.

Bob said...

What a bummer for Brad. It is always horrible when a stupid injury keeps you from doing the things you love to do.