Tuesday, February 17, 2009


High School Musical 3 came out on DVD today.  And how might I know that?  Tonight our YW activity was making homemade lip gloss but the girls begged to make it HSM3.  So tonight we are meeting at our house making lip gloss and watching a movie.  My boys are not too happy about this, I reminded them they would be at the church and they wouldn't even have to see a minute of the movie, but they are still not happy that it would ever have been played on our TV.
I am probably the only person in the world who has not seen any HSM movies.  Honest, I have not seen any of the movies.  But go ahead ask me any question about the X Games, go ahead any X Game event or superstar or how many flips they did or what event so and so does!


Anonymous said...

How is HSM3?

Melinda said...

Well Derek I've lived without any girls in the house for so long that I guess I really would rather watch XGames, sad for me to say. Do you want to send me Emily?