Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brent Wants to Rebel

A few weeks ago Brent asked me what I thought about him going to BYU-H, I tried to be fairly non-committal, but indicated that I thought Provo would be a better choice, more majors etc. His response was that he wanted to "rebel"  he didn't want to go to Provo or Idaho like everyone else, he went on to say that he could really rebel and go to UCSB.  Point well taken, I suppose that does grant a little more perspective on the situation.  I wasn't overly concerned about Hawaii, I hear it is hard for a haole boy to get in.  Well, he submitted his essays on Sunday night and yesterday (Tuesday) he was admitted.  I'm not sure what he'll decide after he hears from the other schools, we may be paying tuition and buying a new surf board.
My beach baby


Ker said...

kendall has a job waiting for him if he needs $$ for surfboards, yes that is plural, you need more than one for the different kinds of waves :) Anyway, he could move up here this summer, plenty of work!

Melinda said...

I think that is a great idea, what a novel thought, Brent work, earn and save!!

Brian said...

There is nothing wrong with a little rebellion in Hawaii!

Melinda said...

Hey Brian, so what are your thoughts on BYU-H?