Saturday, January 17, 2009

Date Night

Date Night is definitely one of those things that has fallen into the rather large and vast category of disintegration in our life.  What do you mean Costco or Albertsons doesn't quite meet the definition of "date night".  So I am making it my challenge of the year to consistently "integrate" quality date nights back into our life.  Actually for Craig and I we'll just make it date weekend, since our time together is somewhat limited, lets count Fridays and Saturdays as ....No on second thought, lets not.  That's just more planning.  Baby steps, I think we need to take baby steps here.  While Craig is at Chaparral with Kyle I'm home supposedly planning our date.  I have checked the Krikorian, Seven Pounds sounds good, but since it's been out awhile it doesn't play till 10:40, nope that doesn't work for me, I would end up sleeping through it.  There's a chick flick, Bride Wars, that sounds pretty good but I made Craig sit through Mamma Mia with me and then something else that was so bad I can't even remember what it was, oh yeah The Women (what a guy!) maybe we should see something with blood, and guts (I can close my eyes).  Hmmm the only other choices seem to be some dog movies that we'd better save for Papa Night, the night each week he takes Kael and Kyle to the movies.  
Well I suppose date night doesn't have to be a movie, or dinner and a movie, there are lots of other options like...........Well really there are lots of other options when the time changes and the days are longer, we can run and ride, or go on walks.  But it's January, the weather is nice and warm but the nights are dark.  Can anyone give me 52 date night ideas?

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